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Work more efficiently with professional support

In the era of the Internet, it is a matter of course and also advisable to make company processes more effective with the support of IT. This is especially true for industrial production. But with all the advantages that the achievements of IT bring with them, it cannot of course be ruled out that an error or a malfunction creeps in from time to time. Despite all process control by the staff, the source of the error can often not be discovered. We are a highly specialized service company that can offer you data analysis, error evaluation and, by optimizing your production systems, also an increase in production.


In this compact overview we describe our competence. We will advise you personally if you have individual questions about your specific production conditions. We would be happy if you make an appointment with our monitoring specialists.

About us
Get to know us!

The more specifically a software is developed for a certain branch of industry, the better it can be used. In this context, we at IDA offer you a high degree of specialization in the filling and packaging industry as well as warehouse logistics . Data analysis and error evaluation can be implemented for production systems as well as filling systems , within the framework of complete systems and of course also for individual machines . The wide range of possible uses already shows that our software is optimally scalable and therefore optimally flexible in use. It will take over your process control and observe, analyze and evaluate the production through its tailor-made and seamless monitoring. The problem is tackled and resolved at the cause.

An important plus point: the software will also suggest improvements directly on site if a need for action has been identified. This benefit can also be implemented from individual machines to the entire system. With our technical equipment, we check the systems and can implement a secure and traceable data analysis . It is this data analysis with the help of which we also recognize the error messages and thus the problem directly. In this way it can be avoided that you start symptom-related measures in your company that do not solve the actual problem.

When it comes to process control for troubleshooting, our monitoring software has another advantage that is crucial for many of our customers. Our software is a product that has been developed with a high degree of practical relevance and can store data over the long term – whether in real time, for two weeks, twelve months or longer if desired. This means that it is still possible in retrospect for the monitoring to be used for optimization of your production systems and production increase .

With strategy to success!
IDA – Industry Data Analysts

Our company name is IDA – Industry Data Analysts. And this name says it all.
Data analysis in the industrial sector is an important factor for optimal production. It makes processes stable and cost-effective.
With the best work results and punctual production, customer satisfaction and – closely related – also the company’s sales are improved. The companies that use our services confirm to us that the error analysis can increase production from which the company benefits in the long term.
Monitoring by professional software is therefore closely linked to operational success – and we are the partner who makes this possible for you.


With experience

The basis for all of our services, from which you benefit with your company, is competent and consistent monitoring. It is used for data analysis relating to your production systems and is the basis for professional process control, in which no sources of error go undetected. The error evaluation, in turn, is the foundation for ensuring that your production receives an optimization that is not based on assumptions, but on facts through objective monitoring. The reward of monitoring with all its valuable benefits is your increase in production, with which you gain an important lead over the competition in your industry.

Significant operational decisions should be based on a sound basis. Through a data analysis with our software, these are objectified and also comprehensible. So it is no guesswork that you use to make decisions, but verifiable facts that have real potential for troubleshooting and optimizing your production.

Define goals

First, we sit down with you and define the goals that you want to achieve with your data. You may already have specific goals with your data or you do not even know what is in them. This is what we are here for!

Where is what?

In the second step we take a look at your storage systems. Where is the data and how do we bring you together in close contact?
Once that is done, we have created the basis for the subsequent data analysis.

The data analysis

We evaluate data and create diagrams that help to identify visual patterns quickly. By converting data into actionable insights, we enable you to make optimal business decisions. There is more to their data than they think – often even new planning models for the future.

The evaluation

A team of experts with many years of experience in the filling and packaging industry as well as warehouse logistics take over the evaluation of your data and are at your side with advice!

Our advantages for your success
How you can benefit from IDA

With us – or with our software for operational monitoring – you have the choice. You can use the results straight away for consistent data analysis and error evaluation, or you can save them and call them up later. The high flexibility around monitoring and process control in your company is a real plus point that our software offers you.

For most companies, the motto “We have always done it this way” means that they do not use the improvement potential that is actually contained in them and their production conditions. In most cases, our monitoring software can be used to increase production by optimizing production and solving problems after evaluating errors.

We have no standardized software and no all-in-one solution. Because every company is different and every industrial production has its own characteristics. There can therefore be no process control and troubleshooting according to scheme F. Our aim is to implement software tailored to your needs, which can offer you an individual optimization of your operational processes in the context of production and warehousing.

So that this can be optimally implemented, a tailor-made concept is important, which we develop for you after a detailed consultation. The better we get to know you and your unique business processes, the easier it is of course to precisely install and use the software for monitoring.

There are errors in production in almost every company. But it makes an important difference when a company helps optimize its production by evaluating errors. The monitoring software that we offer you makes a valuable contribution in this context.

If monitoring is objective and controllable, it can be used for such important purposes as data analysis, error evaluation and process control. Because correct information is required so that an increase in production or the optimization of production can be implemented sustainably. Modern digitization naturally provides the best support for effective monitoring.

We at IDA – Industry Data Analysts – have developed functional software for our customers to meet the premium requirements. It enables precise monitoring with which the functionality and efficiency of production processes can be closely examined. Around this valuable and effective process control, the software is designed so that it can control production processes in the industry through perfectly developed monitoring and also indirectly optimize it through the potential for improvement that has been discovered.

Our team
Erwin Schmid

Mechanical Engineer
Specialization Manufacturing

Manuel Schmid

Technical Supervisor
Service Engineer

Jürgen Tharmann

Industrial Engineer
Specialization Conveyor and
Warehouse Logistics

Do you have any questions?

Increasing production in your company is an important issue for you?
Use our initial consultation on all aspects of monitoring as an exciting topic for optimizing your production and the resulting increase in sales and cost reductions. Our advice is free and non-binding for you. We will explain specifically the benefits of our software for your company. Of course, we also provide you with references that give you a good insight into our competent work. Thank you for your interest.


IDA – Industry Data Analysts
Wildbachweg 12
93059 Regensburg

Phone: +49 (0) 151 424 71 640
